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if you really wanted to know this that bad i would recemond you using another website because you can not always trust the things these people say

(no offense)

(were in school right now and its 2:48pm)


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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

The Romans used two main methods of collecting taxes. In one case they left the collection of taxes to the governor of the province. In another case they used "tax farmers" who were businessmen that signed a contract with the government to collect a stated amount or revenue. Any money that the tax farmers collected above what they promised the government went to them. The same principle worked if a governor was collecting taxes although the governors did not sign contracts; they were told what amount to send to Rome. This is why the ex-consuls (ex-consuls were always given a province to govern after their term of office--sometimes praetors too) always wanted a rich province to rule after their terms expired, as they tried to get back some (or all) of the funds that they had to spend in order to get elected.

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Q: How did government collect taxes in ancient Greece?
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