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They used violence and terror to control elections.

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Christopher Schimmel

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Q: How did groups like ku klux klan and the white league influence politics in the 1870?
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What were groups like the Ku Klux Klan and the White League afraid of apex?

The Growth of the "Negro Rule" APEX

How influential are hobbes an lockes theories in American thought today?

Hobbes' and Locke's theories have little influence in American thought today. Hobbes' Leviathan has been used as a bible by the dictatorships of Africa. Locke had great influence during the time of the American Revolution. His writing influenced the Declaration of Independence. Today, all politics are local. Politics has been reduced to a combination of, "What have you done for me lately?" "I want mine now." And mantras. Too much American thought today consists of politically correct thinking and wants little to do with the writings of dead white men. Maybe some day America will return to such interest.

What statement best describes the political reason for the White Primary?

The Democratic Party did not want black voters to influence candidate choices.-Shay

Which 3 groups dominated southern politics during Reconstruction?

the groups were the klu klux klan and its a white southerners formed groups that tortured and murdered former slaves. the kkk killed several thousand people- including whites who helped African Americans -Loooda

How did many white southerners respond to respond to radical reconstruction?

Most white southerners held the opinion that the racial hierarchy had been just and supported continued white supremacy. They were not happy that the people they once considered chattel were now on an equal political footing with them. As a result, many white racist terrorist groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan were formed during this period as a means of maintaining racial inequality.

Related questions

How did groups like KKK and the white league influence politics in the 1870s?

They used violence and terror to control elections

How did groups like the kkk and white league influence politics in the 1870s?

They used violence and terror to control elections

how did groups like the ku klux and the white league influence politics in the 1870s?

They used violence and terror to control elections.

How did groups like the ku klux klan and the white league influence politics in the 1800s?

They used violence and terror to control elections.

How did groups like ku klux klan and the white league influence politics in the 1870s?

They used violence and terror to control elections.

How did the group like the KKK and the white league influence politics in the 1870?

They used violence and terror to control elections

Why Black participation and influence in politics decline in the 1860's?

White violence

What Members of groups such as the Ku Klux Klan and the White League believed that?

White's were superior to African Americans

What were groups the ku klux klan and the white league afraid of?

The Negro Rule

what were the groups Ku Klux and the White League afraid of APEX?

Increased rights for African Americans

How did race and gender influence politics in the 1800s?

The politics of the 1800's was all white men who could vote or run for office. Women couldn't vote and slaves didn't have the right.

What other groups besides the ku klux klan worked to to reduce support for republicans in the south?

The White League and the Knights of the White Camellia also worked to reduce support for Republicans in the South following the US Civil War.