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Most white southerners held the opinion that the racial hierarchy had been just and supported continued white supremacy. They were not happy that the people they once considered chattel were now on an equal political footing with them. As a result, many white racist terrorist groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan were formed during this period as a means of maintaining racial inequality.

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8y ago

Most white southerners held the opinion that the racial hierarchy had been just and supported continued white supremacy. They were not happy that the people they once considered chattel were now on an equal political footing with them. As a result, many white racist terrorist groups, such as the Ku Klux Klanwere formed during this period as a means of maintaining racial inequality.

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Q: How did many white southerners respond to respond to radical reconstruction?
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White southerners who cooperated with Radical Reconstruction governments were called?

White southerners who cooperated with radical recontruction were called "scalawags". I'm sorry they are not called radicals.

How did white southerners respond to radical Reconstruction?

Most white southerners held the opinion that the racial hierarchy had been just and supported continued white supremacy. They were not happy that the people they once considered chattel were now on an equal political footing with them. As a result, many white racist terrorist groups, such as the Ku Klux Klan were formed during this period as a means of maintaining racial inequality.

One reason Radical Reconstruction was able to bring change in the South was that?

A. federal soldiers were stationed in the South to enforce new laws. B. white southerners supported the changes brought about by Radical Reconstruction C. African Americans voted for Radical Reconstruction D. it was part of General Lee's surrender terms. i think it is "A."

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Radical white southerners did everything in their power to oppose rights for African Americans. Namely, the white southerners would African Americans to take tests and pay outrageous fees in order to vote.

What secret society did white southerners form during reconstruction?

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What role did the redeemer playing in the reconstruction?

they worked to put white southerners back into power

What did the redeemers play in ending reconstruction?

they worked to put white southerners back into power

Why was Reconstruction often called Radical Reconstruction?

Radical Reconstruction was the name of one of the phases of reconstruction: the one instigated by a faction that called themselves the Radical Republicans. The Radical Republicans who swept to power in 1866 considered the first phase of Reconstruction (called the Presidential Reconstruction since it was led by Presidents Lincoln and Johnson) too moderate. In 1873 white supremacist soutern Democrats who called themselves Redeemers returned to power and ended Reconstruction.

Why did many white Southerners oppose the new Reconstruction governments?

Many white Southerners opposed the new Reconstruction governments because they enforced the newly-bestowed rights of blacks. Many Southerners also felt that the governments were hostile and gouged h hmm d g v h

What role did the redeemers play in ending reconstruction?

they worked to put white southerners back into power