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The Franciscans introduced new crops, irrigation techniques, and livestock husbandry to California, which helped transition the region from a hunter-gatherer economy to an agriculture-based one. They also established missions that served as hubs for agricultural production and trade, providing resources and education to Native American communities to support their transition to a more settled way of life.

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Q: How did he franciscans help change California from hunter-gatherer economy to an agriculture economy?
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How did the Franciscans change California fro a hunter gatherer economy to and aqricultural economy?

The Franciscans introduced agriculture to California by establishing missions and teaching Native Americans farming techniques. They set up mission farms and taught indigenous people how to cultivate crops, raise livestock, and practice European-style agriculture. This shift from a hunter-gatherer economy to an agricultural economy was a key part of the Spanish colonial strategy for California.

How did Franciscans help change California from a hunter gatherer economy to an agricultural economy?

by teaching California indians how to cultivate the land

What did the Franciscans do that helped change California from a hunter-gatherer economy to an agricultural economy?

The Franciscans established missions in California where they taught Native Americans new agricultural techniques and introduced crops such as wheat, corn, and grapes. They also provided a stable source of food, shelter, and work which encouraged many Native Americans to settle near the missions and learn agricultural practices, thus transitioning from a hunter-gatherer economy to an agricultural one.

Was the roman economy based on agriculture or taxation?

The Roman economy was based on a combination of agriculture, trade, and taxation. Agriculture was a crucial part of the economy, with the majority of the population involved in farming. Taxation was also a key source of revenue for the Roman government, helping fund the military, infrastructure, and other public services.

What is the agriculture of Aztecs?

The Aztecs practiced intensive agriculture, including growing crops such as maize, beans, squash, and chili peppers. They used advanced techniques like chinampas, floating gardens built on marshy land, to maximize crop yields. Agriculture was a crucial aspect of Aztec society, providing food for the population and supporting their economy.

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How did the Franciscans change California from a hunter-gatherer economy to an agricultural economy?

by converting California Indians to Catholicism.

How did Franciscans help change California from a hunter gather economy to agricultural economy?

by teaching California indians how to cultivate the land

How did Franciscans help change California from a hunter gatherer economy to an agricultural economy?

by teaching California indians how to cultivate the land

What did the Franciscans do that helped change California from a hunter-gatherer economy to an agricultural economy?

The Franciscans established missions in California where they taught Native Americans new agricultural techniques and introduced crops such as wheat, corn, and grapes. They also provided a stable source of food, shelter, and work which encouraged many Native Americans to settle near the missions and learn agricultural practices, thus transitioning from a hunter-gatherer economy to an agricultural one.

What did the Franciscans do that helped change California from a hunter gather economy to a agricultural economy?

good weather

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How did the franciscan help change California from a hunter-gatherer economy to an agriculture economy?

by teaching California indians how to cultivate the land

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