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Hobbes believed that a social contract emerged out of individuals' rational self-interest to escape the state of nature, where life was "nasty, brutish, and short." The Leviathan, in his philosophy, refers to a powerful central authority (such as a government) that is created to maintain social order and prevent chaos. It symbolizes the commonwealth and its ability to enforce laws and protect its citizens.

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Q: How did hobbes explain the emergence of society and what did he mean by the leviathan?
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Who was Thomas hobbes and what he did?

Thomas Hobbes was a 17th-century English philosopher known for his work in political philosophy. His most famous book, "Leviathan," argued for the necessity of a strong central authority to maintain social order and prevent the chaos of a "state of nature." Hobbes believed that humans are inherently self-interested and that a social contract was needed to create a stable society.

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Thomas Hobbes

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Thomas Hobbes was an English philosopher who is best known for his work on political theory, particularly his book "Leviathan" which laid out his social contract theory and the idea of a commonwealth ruled by a sovereign. He believed that humans are inherently self-interested and that a strong central authority is necessary to prevent the chaos of a state of nature.

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Thomas Hobbes, Good luck.....E2020!

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"The Leviathan" by Thomas Hobbes is a political philosophy book that discusses the social contract theory and the need for a strong central authority to maintain order and prevent chaos in society. Hobbes argues that humans are naturally self-interested and prone to conflict, so a powerful sovereign is necessary to ensure peace and stability. The book explores various aspects of civil society, governance, and the role of the state in maintaining social order.

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Thomas Hobbes's most famous work is titled "Leviathan." Published in 1651, this influential philosophical text discusses the social contract theory and the nature of government, arguing for a powerful sovereign to maintain order and prevent chaos in society.

Who wrote Leviathan?

Leviathan was written by Thomas Hobbes between 1588 and 1679. It was published in 1651. The official title of the book is The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil.

What impact did Thomas Hobbes have on world history?

he wrote the leviathan

Thomas Hobbes the English philosopher viewed the nation as a what?

A Leviathan

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