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By solving the equations of general relativity while studying the final stages of stellar evolution for large stars. The answer was so unbelievable and abominable that all kinds of ideas were pursued for other laws of physics that might prohibit such monstrous effects!

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Q: How did humans first find out about black holes?
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Related questions

Where do you find the black holes?

In the space.

Where can you find black holes?

in space

Where in space can you find black holes?


Why was it so hard to prove that black holes exist?

no dude, the evidences of the existence of black holes is now widely accepted and i believe that black holes rules our universe but it is difficult to find them because black holes are nearly the perfectly black bodies

What is a good black hole candidate?

Read the Wikipedia article on "List of black holes". There you'll find a list of black holes and black hole candidates.

What is a black holes average life span?

Science at this time can find no end to black holes. They seem to last forever.

Who discovered black holes and subatomic particles that radiates for them?

The discovery of black holes was not due to a single person; several people participated, and at first, it was all very theoretical. You can find some of the history behind the theories and discoveries in the Wikipedia article on "Black hole".

Do black holes hurt?

See the link below to find out!

How does one find out about blackholes?

If you want to learn about black holes, I suggest you either read the Wikipedia article with the title "black hole", or you search for YouTube videos on "black holes".

How do you find the volume of a shape that has holes?

find the volume of the shape first and then take away the volume of the holes

Do black holes have a weak spot?

Probably. But its impossible to get close enough to find it.

How are black holes beneficial to the universe?

Well, look at it this way...If there wasn't any black holes (or if black holes didn't have a massive gravitational pull), life as we know it probably wouldn't exist.Black holes keep the galaxy togetherBlack holes "recycle" dead starsAnd some people think that black holes are what created the universe in the first place!!