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By hunting animals, fish and birds, and by gathering fruits, vegetables and grains.

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Q: How did hunter gatherer societies secure their food supply?
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How did hunter-gatherer societies secure their food supply?

By hunting animals, fish and birds, and by gathering fruits, vegetables and grains.

What was bad about being a hunter gatherer?

Some of the challenges and drawbacks of being a hunter-gatherer include: Insecurity of food supply: Hunter-gatherers relied on the unpredictability of hunting and gathering, which at times resulted in periods of hunger and food scarcity. Nomadic lifestyle: Hunter-gatherer groups were often mobile, following animal herds and seasonal resources. This required constant movement and limited the establishment of permanent settlements. Lack of technological advancements: Without advanced tools and technology, tasks such as farming, building permanent structures, and food preservation were difficult or impossible to accomplish, imposing limitations on their quality of life.

What is an important event in the new stone age?

The fact that the new cultivation of crops during the Neolithic Revolution led to the transition from a hunter-gatherer band of tribes to settling communities with stable food supply.

Which societies have a migrating food supply?

hunting and gathering societies and pastoral societies.

Why were animals herded and kept in villages?

Because humans figured out it was much easier and had a more certain supply of food if they raised animals in captivity rather then hunting. This was a big step in humanity to move from the hunter-gatherer stage to farmers.

What was the dramatic and far reaching change in human life caused by the discovery of farming?

The discovery of farming led to a dramatic shift from a hunter-gatherer lifestyle to settled agrarian societies. This change allowed humans to settle in one place, cultivate crops, and domesticate animals, leading to a stable food supply. It also allowed for the development of complex social structures, the accumulation of surplus resources, and the growth of civilizations.

Who is the secure in post and get method?

Post is more secure method in forms. It does not supply the form information in the URL.

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4 screws

Is vertical integration recommended to secure supply chain management?

"Yes , vertical integration is recommended to secure supply cahin management. It keeps the product flowing smoothly , therefore the business can meet its demand from the customers."

Does Singapore Electricity Supply secure for industrial business?

Yes it does, Singapore's Electricity Supply is very secure, because EMA requires all of electricity companies to license their business and then EMA will audit them before they can go public.

What role did the food supply play shaping the nomadic life of hunter gatherers and hunter gatherers and the settled life of farmers?

they followed the animals as they migrated so did the nomads

What is the difference between hunting gathering societies and pastoral horticultural societies?

Agricultural, pastoral, and foraging societies all had one goal in common: find food. Though, they went about these different ways. Agricultural, or agrarian societies are based on large-scale agricultural production made possible by plows pulled by animals. Agrarian societies are far more efficient than earlier societies and typically have a huge food surplus. This supports a complex division of labor which leads to the accumulation of great wealth by the few and considerable inequality. Pastoral societies are societies in which animals are domesticated and raised for food in pastures. Pastoral societies tended to develop in arid regions where there was insufficient rainfall to raise crops on the land. They were usually nomadic, moving on to a new area after the animals had exhausted the food supply in each pasture. Foraging societies, or commonly known as Hunter-Gatherers, generally have a passive dependence on what the environment contains. Because of this, the length of time that they stay in any one location is largely determined by the availability of food and water that is readily obtainable. They do not plant crops and the only domesticated animals that they usually have are dogs.