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Most immigrants to in the US opposed National Prohibition.

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Q: How did immigrants in cities respond to prohibition?
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Related questions

Why didnt prohibition work in cities?

Prohibition didn't work in cities because of widespread speakeasies, where people could obtain alcohol illegally. Additionally, corruption among law enforcement made enforcement difficult. The demand for alcohol remained high, leading to a thriving black market that fueled organized crime activities in cities.

Was prohibition most effective in restricting drinking in the cities?

No. Prohibition tried to prohibit drinking in the cities, but they found ways around it to sneak it into the cites.

Why did prohibition not work in cities and urban areas?

Prohibition faced challenges in cities and urban areas due to factors such as widespread noncompliance, limited enforcement resources, and the presence of underground speakeasies that facilitated the illegal sale of alcohol. The demand for alcohol remained high in these areas, leading to a thriving black market that undermined the effectiveness of the Prohibition laws.

Why did immigrants group together in cities?

Immigrants grouped together in cities because they wanted to be reminded of their home.

Why did racists support the prohibition amendment?

Prohibition can be seen as part of a cultural war against immigrants. That's one reason the KKK was such a strong supporter and (illegal) enforcer of prohibition laws.

How did immigrants respond to the melting-pot?

They established ghettos in areas of large concentrations of immigrants.

Immigrants who settled in cities got valuable what?

Immigrants who settled in cities got a lot of valuable things. Fast communication is one valuable thing that immigrants got.

Immigrants who settled in cities got valuable?

Immigrants who settled in the cities got valuable information from other immigrants of the same ethnicity. They often settled in groups together.

Who were victims of the KKK?

Blacks, Republicans, Jews, Catholics, immigrants, and opponents of National Prohibition.

Where were immigrants encouraged to vote in large numbers?

Northern cities (apex)

What caused problems between cultural groups in northern cities after 1850?

Cultural problems were caused by a wave of immigrants moving to the cities of the northeast.

Where did most Chinese immigrants live?

In Cities