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Q: How did imperialism affect Israel?
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The US fought them in the Spanish American War.

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The war qualified Japan to commence Imperialism; it demonstrated that they had the means and skills to do it.

Does imperialism play any significant role in the modern world?

As a result of imperialism borders were created that made countries into war zones between enemy tribes and communities. Yes indeed. Iraq and Israel are good examples.

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Japan became a modern industrialized power

How did imperialism affect Puerto Rico?

It created a minority of hard core Nationalists and Independece seekers.

How did Japanese imperialism affect World War 2?

unquestioned discipline of the Japanese soldiers and civilians!

How did the aftermath of World War 2 affect Israel?

It led to the creation of Israel on 14 May 1948.

Did Arab Nations like the creation of Israel?

No, in a very strong, vehement way. Israel represented many negative things to them such as, Arab repression, Jewish ascendance, Western Imperialism, and Division of the Unified Arab Lands.

How did Imperialism affect politics?

I cant answer that but i can tell you that the affect of Imperialism on Africa is similar to how the Ak-47 affects ones face from close range. same effect that Darth Vader had on Luke sky walkers hand in that one movie where there a snow planet and an incestual kiss

How did American imperialism affect Puerto Rico?

It created a minority of hard core Nationalists and Independece seekers.