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Farming meant that humans were able to adapt to a new form of life , which meant settling down and building villages. (before this they were hunter/gatherers) Farming could be done in large harvests so not everybody needed to farm , these people started practising other crafts such as pot making and weaving. Sooner or later ( between 10000-8000 BCE) this idea of farming began to spread to other cultures and so civilisations began .

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Gracie Considine

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Q: How did improved farming lead to the developed of civilization?
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What did improved farming techniques lead to?

Improved farming techniques lead to the division of labor. It allowed people to diversify and not concentrate solely on basic human needs.

How did farming lead to a bigger civilization?

Farming Surplus of food Population grew Formed a government Social classes formed Cities and towns Civilization!

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The transition from hunting and gathering to farming allowed for a more reliable food source, which led to settled communities, surplus production, and specialization of labor. Domestication of plants enabled the development of agriculture, which supported larger populations and the growth of complex societies, leading to the rise of civilizations.

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the advent of farming also impelled a more complex social structure where not everyone gathered food for a living, which is one of the basis's of civilization.

How did farming lead to the formation of towns?

farming lead to the growth of civilization because the knowledge of agriculture was spreading throughout the Americas (north and south) having stable supply of food,it changed the way people lived.they built permanent villages because they are no longer needed to travel for food.

How did the need to interact with the environment lead to advances in civilization?

The need to interact with the environment led early humans to develop tools for hunting, farming, and building shelters, which ultimately helped advance civilization. By learning how to manipulate their surroundings, humans were able to improve their living conditions, develop new technologies, and create systems of organization and cooperation that laid the foundation for modern society.

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Farming lead to other jobs so that way the things that where farmed could be sold to other people.

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