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Incan women paid their labor tax (mit'a) by working certain days of the year on state projects like farming, building roads, or other community tasks. They could also contribute by weaving textiles or brewing chicha, a type of corn beer.

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Q: How did incan women pay their labor tax?
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What did the Incas use the work tax for?

The Incas used the work tax, known as "mit'a," to fund public projects and infrastructure such as road systems, temples, and agricultural terraces. The labor provided by the people in the form of the work tax helped maintain and expand the empire's infrastructure and resources.

What civilization used a labor tax in order to complete work projects?

Ancient Egypt used a labor tax system known as "corvée labor" to complete various public works projects, such as building pyramids, temples, and irrigation systems. This system required citizens to contribute a certain amount of labor each year to fulfill their tax obligations to the state.

Who paid labor tax to the government the Inca civilization the Maya civilization the Mississippi civilization or the Aztec civilization?

The Aztec civilization is known to have collected labor tax, called "mita," from its citizens to support the empire. The Inca civilization also imposed labor tax, known as "mit'a," on its citizens for public works and military service. The Maya and Mississippi civilizations did not specifically have a labor tax system in place like the Aztec and Inca civilizations.

Why was there a tax on windows in Georgian times?

The window tax was introduced in Georgian times as a way to generate revenue for the government. It was based on the number of windows a property had, so people would often block up windows to avoid paying higher taxes. This tax was in place from 1696 to 1851 and was eventually abolished due to public backlash and health concerns stemming from poor ventilation in buildings.

How did taxes help build Ziggurats or maintain Sumerian societys?

Taxes in Sumerian society were used to fund public construction projects like ziggurats, which were religious temples that also served as administrative centers. The labor for building ziggurats was often provided by citizens as a form of tax payment. This system helped maintain social order, fostered a sense of community, and reinforced the authority of the ruling elite.