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Q: How did it lead to discovery of the new world?
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How did the crusades lead to columbus voyage of discovery?

It was in pursuit of such trade routes the Columbus "discovered" the New World.

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It helped by trading with the other countries and the travelers finding more land lead to finding the new world.

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Christopher Columbus is credited with the discovery of the new world

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i believe that with the discovery of Africa and its people along with the discovery of the new world with its goods that were able to produce and the way the trade-winds worked lead to the need for man power and thus created the slave trade.

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Christopher Columbus is errantly credited with the discovery of the New World. I joined this expedition to become involved in the discovery of new life forms.

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What led to European discovery of the Americas?

In the 15th and 16th centuries in particular, Europeans were intent on seeking out a new and faster route to Asian trade-markets than those that already existed. Their searches led to the discovery of the New World of the Americas, which was then explored both for its intrinsic wealth and for the sake of that still undiscovered, and still desired, "Passage to the East."

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Europeans went on Crusades to rid the Holy Land of infidels. How did this lead to the discovery of and exploration of the New World?

I believe because of the Crusader states the Spanish men tried to find a faster way to India which was part of the Holy Land so they sailed west which founded the New World.

How did the discovery of the New World change the goals of the European Explorers?

it changed because everyone wanted to gate a passage for the new world