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Q: How did jacksonian democracy give more government power to the common people?
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Which is the best description of Jacksonian Democracy?

A Jacksonian Democracy is best described as a democracy by the people.

How did Andrew jacksonian democracy give more governmental power to the common people?

Jacksonian democracy expanded suffrage to more white males by eliminating property ownership requirements, giving them a larger voice in the government. Jackson also introduced the spoils system, appointing loyal supporters to government positions, and weakened the power of the wealthy elite by advocating for greater economic opportunities for common people.

How did Jacksonian democracy give more power to the common people?

Lol who be doin this for mr cassady

What terms refers to the extension of the political power to common people in the 1820 and 1830?

Jacksonian Democracy♥

What belief was the jacksonian democracy distinguished by?

They believed that they represented the "common man." -Team Jacob Edward Damian McGinty! <3

Who was part of the Jacksonian Democracy?

Individual freedoms are best protected by state governments.

To what extent was the universal white manhood suffrage achieved in the jacksonian democracy?

Jacksonian Democracy can be considered an outgrowth of Jefferson's ideas that the people should rule. The Jacksonian Democratic movement was also the consequence of the growth and energy of the nation during the 1830s and 1840s. Prosperity meant more people could consider politics. Politicians and participation in politics grew. There was an increase in education available to citizens and the right to vote was being extended, especially in the west. Jackson believed in the ability of the "common man" to participate in government. He made use of the spoils system to reward his supporters. Jacksonian Democracy believed in equal opportunity extended to white males. The attitude towards women, children, Blacks, and Indians were typical of the time. Jacksonian Democracy also believed in the supremacy of the power of the national government over states' rights advocates. property requirements for voting had been eliminated

What effect did Jacksonian democracy have on the development of democracy?

Jacksonian Democracy labels a period in time when there was a populist realization that the government existed for the people and not only for the elite. It allowed for many more voting rights for the wage earners due to reform of state voting law that eliminated property ownership as a voting right requirement.

What is the main idea behind Jacksonian democract?

While Jefferson considered himself as part of the “natural aristocrats, Jacksonian Democracy can be considered an outgrowth of Jefferson’s ideas that the people should rule. The Jacksonian Democratic movement was also the consequence of the growth and energy of the nation during the 1830s and 1840s. Prosperity meant more people could consider politics. Politicians and participation in politics grew. There was an increase in education available to citizens and the right to vote was being extended, especially in the west. Jackson believed in the ability of the “common man” to participate in government. He made use of the spoils system to reward his supporters. Jacksonian Democracy believed in equal opportunity extended to white males. The attitude towards women, children, Blacks, and Indians were typical of the time. Jacksonian Democracy also believed in the supremacy of the power of the national government over states’ rights advocates.

What is the most common type of government?

The most common type of government worldwide is democracy, where the people have a say in decision-making through elected representatives. There are different forms of democracy, such as representative democracy and direct democracy, depending on how the government is structured.

What change did the new western states make that allowed more people to vote?

They allowed women to vote so that way there could be more votes and more elections.

What was Andrew jacksons attitude towards voting rights?

He felt the everyone, common and wealthy people, should be able to have the right to vote (execpt for Blacks, Women, and Native Americans). When he was president, he established Jacksonian Democracy which allowed the common man to vote. Back then, only wealthy people could vote and men had own a specific amount of land, but at the beginning the Jacksonian Democracy, it all dropped.