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Q: How did james armistead help contribute to the american victory in Yorktown?
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How did the Americans ally France contribute to the victory at Yorktown?

American and French troops bombarded Yorktown, turning the buildings to rubble.

What was one important factor that contribute to the American victory at Yorktown?

The French fleet arrived off Yorktown and chased off the British ships.

What war was the victory of Yorktown?

American Revolution

What happened after the American victory at Yorktown?

french soldiers

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The Battle of Yorktown in 1781.

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After their victory at Yorktown.

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at Yorktown Cornwallis surrendered

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Who made the greatest contribution to the American victory at Yorktown?

Samual Adams

How did Americans ally France contribute to the victory Yorktown?

Both armies cornered General Cornwallis and he surrendered.