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Q: How did japan change as hideki tojo rose to power in the 1930s?
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Who Held power in japan in 1930?

Hideki Tojo

When did hideki tojo leave power?

When Japan lost the war and Tojo was hanged for war crimes..........

Who are the axis power leaders?

Adolph Hitler (Germany) Emperor Hirohito (Japan) Mussolini (Italy)

Who are Japanese leaders?

The leaders for Japan in WW2 were Hideki Tojo, and emperor Hirohito. Now Hirohito was the emperor but he had very little power, the real power was with the military leader Tojo.

What four nations in the 1930s were trying to expand their power and territories?

Japan, Germany, Italy, and the soviet union

Who was president of japan in 1939?

Emperor Hirohito was the leader of Japan in 1939.

Who was Hideki Tojo and what did he do?

He was a general in the Japanese Imperial Army and was Prime Minister of Japan from October 17, 1941 to July 22, 1944.

How did Hideki Tojo come to power?

Boner soup

When did Hideki Tojo assume power?

October 18, 1941

How did general hideki Tojo come to power as the Japanese prime minister?

his father was a general in the army so it was easy for tojo to quickly rise in the ranks. also he brought back the samurai used in shogun. that got him popular, and convensed soldiers to fight to the death, kamikazes.

Who held the power in Japan prior to World War 2?

The emperor of Japan both before and during the war has Hirohito and the "prime minister" (more like a dictator) was Hideki Tōjō.

What was the nation expanding its power to the western pacific?

Japan was flexing their imperialistic muscle in Asia in the 1930s and up to 1945 until the Allies drove them back to their own main island.