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Q: How did john lockes work impact the world today?
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What was john lockes form of government?

A Democratic System

When did John lockes father die?

John Locke's father died in 1661

What are john lockes natural rights?

Life, liberty, and property

What was john lockes education?

john Locke got Bachelor's and a Master's Degree from Oxford.

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John lockes philosophy was?

human beings derive their rights from nature

What was john lockes philosophies?

He argued so that people have natural rights.

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It was how he farted a lot

What influence did john lockes idea on natural rights have on others?

Can anyone answer this one

What were John Lockes views on human nature?

That everybody should have natural rights...

What are john lockes beliefs on philosophy?

human beings derive their rights from nature

What were John Lockes natural rights ideas?

He believed in: Life, Liberty, and Property.