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Q: How did knights and samurai react when faced with difficult odds?
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A bad way to react is to deny the responsibility that you are given. You were the one chosen to take on the responsibility in the first place. It was given to you for a reason. The best way to react to an unwanted problem is to do what has to be done to meet the responsibility.

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Well, if anything has benefits, it also includes downsides that should be weighed before making a final decision. The same can be said about React Native. It has a few drawbacks that should be considered before purchasing it. Let's have a look at some of its disadvantages. - Debugging is difficult. The user interface is difficult to figure out. React native is still in its infancy. Lacks security resiliency Memory management is a difficult task.

The atoms of two different elements react together to form a compound why is it difficult to separate the two elements when this has happened?

because they are chemically joined together and it is difficult to separate them

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It is quite difficult to tell, but most likely they would react to the smell of predators, e.g. Mountain lions, bears etc It is quite difficult to tell, but most likely they would react to the smell of predators, e.g. Mountain lions, bears etc

How difficult is it to find argon the element?

It is not easy to find because it is so inert. It does not react with almost any substance.

How did the Japanese Samurai react to Japanese Industrialization?

The samurai reacted in generally one of two manners, and it led to a tremendous shedding of blood during civil war which saw many good men die in order to do what each thought was the best for the nation. Research Shinsengumi, Sakamoto Ryouma, Byakkotai and AizuWakamatsu to find out more about the period of upheaval.

When acids react with compounds containing co32-what products are formed?

Each acid stronger than carbonic acid (pKa = 6.4) will react in solution of carbonate (CO32-) though from solid carbonates it might be difficult to dissolve.

When acids react with compounds containing CO32- what products are formed?

Each acid stronger than carbonic acid (pKa = 6.4) will react in solution of carbonate (CO32-) though from solid carbonates it might be difficult to dissolve.

What does immobilizing mean in the hunger games book?

Stunned into shock so much that it is difficult to move or make sense of what instincts you should have and/or react to.

Why do you ignore body language?

It is very difficult to ignore body language. It is more often true that we react to it without consciously being aware of it.

Three elements that do not react with any others are?

Helium, Neon, and Argon are the most non-reactive elements known. Though it is possible to make them react with other elements, it is extremely difficult and can only be achieved under precise laboratory conditions.