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Q: How did lamarck's theory affect Darwin's thinking?
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How is lamarcks theory of evolution different from theory of evolution?

Make me cum daddy~! Make me moan~!

What two idea from geology were important to Darwins thinking?

There are couple if important thinking from the geology. The main ideals are uniform-ism was highly influential and gradualism is also built into Darwinian evolutionary theory.

Which is not of Darwin's theory of natural selection?

which is not part of darwins theory of natural selction

Who was Thomas Huxley?

A guy who had a debate about Darwins theory

Is Charles Darwin's theory is complementary to religious concept?

Charles Darwins theory is wrong to religon as it is very clear god created the world. and theories like Darwins are wrong.

What book did he write about natural selection?

Darwins theory of evolution :)

How does one cope with blindness of a sibling?

Darwins theory of evolution

Why some people did not believe Darwins theory?

because of religion

What is the significance of the fourth step in Darwins theory of natural selection?

Survival of the fittest

Darwins theory of evolution by natural selection supports the idea of survival of the?


What did Darwins study?

Charles Darwin studied birds, medicine, and theory of evolution.

What scientific evidence proves Darwins theory of evolution?

can someone help me please