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By calling for volunteer troops. This was the equivalent to declaring war, and four states of the Upper South joined the Confederacy.

The two sides were lined-up. The war was on.

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Q: How did lincoln respond to the attack on fort Sumter?
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How did president Lincoln respond to the surrender of fort Sumter?

he made a army to fight fort sumert

Why was Lincoln reluctant to defend Fort Sumter Why did he eventually respond to the situation by asking for Union troops?

He wasn't reluctant to defend Sumter, but the attack was a surprise and began the war so he needed troops.

How did president Buchanan respond to fort Sumter situation?

Buchanan wasn't President so he didn't respond. Lincoln was president.

Why didn't Lincoln respond when fort Sumter was bombed?

When Fort Sumter was attacked in the Charleston harbor, Lincoln called for volunteers to put down the rebellion. The attack galvanized the Northern States to support Lincoln in his attempt to keep the Federal Union in tact. Soon after he began to plan for what most people thought would be a short war.

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they arnt the CSA split because Lincoln was elected and we went to war because the CSA attack Fort Sumter

Is fort Sumter a museum?

Fort Sumter was a fort back when Lincoln was president.

What did President Lincoln do to help Fort Sumter?

Well, Lincoln wanted to relieve the fort, but as he got there, the first gunshot of the Civil War was taken. As a result, the troops at Fort Sumter had no ammunition left and had no reasonable means of themselves, Lincoln surrendered sumter.

What would be considered an IMMEDIATE cause of the southern attack on Fort Sumter?

the election of Abraham Lincoln

What were Lincoln's choices in regard to fort Sumter?

his choise's were to resuply Fort Sumter

Did Lincoln get elected before or after the battle of fort Sumter?

Before. It was Lincoln's decision to resupply the fort. When he informed the South that he was resupplying it, they attacked Fort Sumter!

In what year did the confederates attack fort Sumter?

Confederates attacked Fort Sumter in 1861.

When did the Fort Sumter attack?