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The first humans were "cavemen", primordial humans that likely used animal bones, branches and other materials found in their environment for weapons and armor. A likely example would be a spear made of some vertebrae from an animal's back and a shaved wooden stick or femur from said animal to make a hunting spear. The materials vary based on their environment. Humans from a forest area would likely use branches, stones, and other things you would find in a forest to set traps, ambushes, and utilize the forest's abundant trees, bushes, and shrubs for cover

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Q: How did mesolithic people hunt?
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What is the difference between the Neolithic and Mesolithic period?

The Mesolithic period dates back to around 10,000 to 5,000 BCE and was characterized by the use of more advanced stone tools, a focus on hunting and gathering, and the beginning of domestication of plants and animals. The Neolithic period followed the Mesolithic around 8,000 BCE and was marked by the development of agriculture, settled communities, and the production of polished stone tools and pottery.

What were the mesolithic shelters?

Mesolithic shelters were often temporary structures made from wood, animal hides, and rocks. These shelters were typically built to provide protection from the elements and predators, and were used by hunter-gatherer societies during the Mesolithic period for short-term occupation.

What did mesolithic people wear?

Mesolithic people typically wore clothing made from animal hides and furs, which provided warmth and protection from the elements. They also used plant fibers to weave textiles for clothing, such as skirts, shawls, and belts. Clothing was simple and practical, reflecting the nomadic lifestyle of Mesolithic hunter-gatherer communities.

What things did the Mesolithic people invent?

Mesolithic people invented tools such as microliths for hunting and gathering, developed advanced hunting techniques, and created more elaborate systems for resource management and storage. They also made advancements in the construction of shelters and boats for fishing and transport.

How did the people live during the paleolithic and mesolithic ages?

People lived in the Paeolithic and Mesolithic age was by teaching themselves to do stuff such as cropping and hunting..Tony

What would a mesolithic woman be called?

We do not know what people were called in the Mesolithic era because they had no way of recording their names.

Did Mesolithic people ride horses?

Probably not, no. Domestication of animals such as horses was introduced in the Neolithic Era which followed the Mesolithic Era.

What did people of the mesolithic age accomplish?

Horse beat

How did the mesolithic people get their food?

They baught it in the local shop

How did the mesolithic people communicate?

Mesolithic people likely communicated through spoken language, gestures, and possibly through symbols or markings. They would have used a combination of verbal communication and non-verbal cues to convey information and express themselves within their communities.

How did Mesolithic people communicate?

Hierogyfics ,movements,sounds