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Q: How did most soldiers die during the civil war?
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When did most US soldiers die?

The most US soldiers died during the American Civil War. That is because Americans were fighting on both sides.

What did the most soldiers die from in the civil war?


What was the enlistment time for soldiers during the civil war?

it was when you go in you don't get out till you get injured and cant fight or you die

What killed more men than fighting during the US Civil War?

Dysentery killed most soldiers in the Civil War.

What dangers did soldiers face off the battle fields during the civil war?

the soldiers faced mines because during the war they were hidden so after they forgot about the mines and they would blow up and die.

What things often happened to wounded soldiers during the Civil War?

They were very likely to die, as medical supplies were virtually non-existent.

How did the majority of the soldiers die in the civil war?

More than 50% of the soldiers who died in the Civil War died of disease or complications from their wounds.

What did merchant do during the civil war?

they tried to get the soldiers to bye their ammunition so they could make a profit off of it. And if not the soldiers would take what they needed on the battle field when that person would die. even one of their own soldiers.

Why did so many soldiers die from disease during the American Civil War?

Poor sanitation conditions was the primary cause of death from diseases among the troops that served in the American Civil War.

Did more soldiers die from illness or injury in the civil war?


Did more than half the soldiers in the civil war die?


Did Clara barton die during the cilvil war yes or no?

No, because she helped nurse wounded soldiers up to the end of the Civil War, then later founded the American Red Cross.