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Q: How did muckrakers influence government policy during the Progressive Era?
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Why was political corruption common during the progressive era?

Government corruption was fought by progressives and muckrakers

During the Progressive Era Muckrakers were best known for?

they were best known for exposing harmful practices of business and government

Which term describes journalists who worked to expose abuses of corporate power during the Progressive Era?


What were some problems during the progressive era?

The Government was changed. New people were elected into the office during the progressive era. Things were getting better and people were smarter. They elected new people as the government. Then Tauris Moton Was elected President from 1927-2010

What did muckrakers try to do?

Muckrakers were journalist who "dug deep in the dirt" to find information about what was really happening in the nation.

Muckrackers were mostly about in government and business?

Muckrakers were journalists who used the written word to bring on reform in business, politics as well as society. This form of activist journalism began during the Progressive era and remained a popular until after World War I.

Why was the name muckrakers given to some members of the press and others during the progressive era?

People said they "raked the dirt" or "muck" and exposed it to the public.

What role did journalist play in the progressive movement?

their sensational stories increased awareness of the problems afflicting America

What did they call people such as Upton Sinclair reported on the hazardous conditions in factories and cities during the progressive era?

People like Upton Sinclair were called Muckrakers.

How did the role of government change during the progressive era?

How did the roar of the national government change during the war

How did muckrakers help society?

The Muckrakers pointed out many of the problems that were plaguing American society. They played a very important part in the progressive movement by bringing attention to the widespread social problems and corruption that had been swept under the rug for a long time. The Progressive movement worked to promote honesty in government and business and stressed the need for greater social justice. They sought to regulate businesses when needed and committed to public service.

Who were some of muckrakers during the Progressive Era and what did each try to do?

JACOB RIIS - photographer, exposed bad working and living conditions. IDA TARBELL - journalist, exposed the corruption of the Standard Oil Company. UPTON SINCLAIR - author, exposed the meat packing industry. LINCOLN STEFFENS - journalist, exposed political and government corruption. ^.~