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because they know that their god said to behave them in good manner with the neighbours in quran.

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Q: How did mughals maintain good relations with other rulers?
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What is meant by the term foreign relations?

Foreign relations refers to the interactions and relationships between one country and other countries. It involves various aspects such as diplomacy, trade, alliances, conflicts, and negotiations that a country engages in with other nations to promote its own interests and maintain international peace and stability. Foreign relations can have a significant impact on a country's economy, security, and overall global standing.

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Because democratic nations are more likely to maintain friendly relations with other democratic nations, including the U.S.

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Sign treaties or start / maintain international relations.

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By vanquishing most of the other rulers in Asia

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They were good at trading and also had to fight other religions which they then could take all their riches.

How do you define public relation?

Public relations (PR) is the managing of internal and external communication of an organization to create and maintain a positive image. Public relations involve popularizing successes, downplaying failures, announcing changes, and many other activities.

What are the influences of the bhakti movement?

because of the bhakti movement , the Hindus and the Muslim communities came closer to each other. there was a big change in their religious outlook. they slowly started understanding each other. not only the people, but the rulers also followed different religions and became more religious . bhakti movement bought a great change in the south, in the north, under the Delhi sultans and under the Mughals

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it affected other rulers because Julius Caesar is more royal than theres

Why are Muslim-Hindu relations of concern to the Indian government?

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Why was it in the interests of Egypt and Nubia to maintain relations?

so they could continue trading with each other without fights and continue to be friendly and nice and kind so they can keep trading between cultures and not have any wars

What policy is about relations with other countries?

Foreign policy is the policy a government follows in its dealings with other countries, including diplomatic, trade, and military relations. It outlines a country's strategies and goals in engaging with the international community to promote its interests and maintain peaceful relations.