

How did my fish named Turtle drown?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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This question is irrelevant and cannot be answered because we do not know your fish.

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Q: How did my fish named Turtle drown?
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Does Dave Pelzer have any pets?

He used to have dogs, but Marsha got them in the divorce. He has fish and a Box turtle named Chuck!

If there are 10 fish in a tank and 7 drown then two die how many are still alive?

A fish can not drown. They can suffocate due to loss of oxygenation of the water, but can not drown in the sense of the word, drown.

If their are 5 fish and 2 drown how many are there?

your answer is 8 fish, fish can drown only if they swim backwards andwater gets in to their gils If there were five fish in the sea and two droned the there would still be five fish because in this case they are not swimming backwards.

Why do your friends drown your fish?

Friends tend to drown your fish because jelousy can get the best of them.

Can fishes drown?

fish can drown if you poke it in the eye.

Can you save a fish from drowning?

Fish... can't drown.

how did my fish drown?

dont put a fish in water

Does Dave Pelzer have pets?

He used to have dogs, but Marsha got them in the divorce. He has fish and a Box turtle named Chuck!

Is it possible to drown a fish and how?

Yes, it is possible to drown a fish. What you need: An airtight box A fish Yourself Go to a lake, ocean, or place with very deep water. Before you jump in, place the fish in an airtight container with NO WATER. Jump in the water with the airtight container and drown. You will drown with the fish, but yea, who cares.