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Yes he did

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Q: How did napoleon create peace in Europe in 1802?
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Who brought temporary peace to Europe in 1802?

Napolean Bonaparte

What led Napoleon to sell the territory of Louisana in 1802?

France needed cash to continue the war in Europe.

What year did Napoleon offer to sell the territory of Louisiana?


Did the third estsate like napoleon?

I do think the correct question would be: did the French people like Napoleon? The answer is positive. Especially after the the Peace of Lunéville (Feb. 8,1801) and that of Amiens (Oct. 1,1801 the preliminaries, March 1802 the Treaty), Napoleon was acclaimed "Consul for Life" and people called him "Peacemaker".

In 1802 napoleon named himself consul of the?

He became the " First Consul "

When did Napoleon make consul of life?

He was confirmed as First Consul for Life on 2 August 1802.

In May of 1802 on what question were the people of France voting?

In May 1802 it was decided that the French people should vote in referendum on the following question: "Shall Napoleon Bonaparte be consul for life?"

What did nepoleon do when he became dictator of France?

Napoleon has never been dictator of France. As First Consul of France he defeated the Second Coalition and signed the Treaty of peace with Austria at Lunéville on Feb. 8, 1801 and the Treaty of Peace with Great Britain at Amiens on March. 25, 1802. On Aug. 2, 1802 he was nominated Consul for Life and, on May 18,1804, the Senate proclaimed him Emperor of the French. The Imperial Crown was the Justifiable reward for the amazing reconstruction and reorganization he was able to carry out in the years which followed the aforementioned treaty of peace.

Was Jefferson able to complete the Louisiana Purchase in part because Napoleon needed to finance French wars in Europe?

Yes, indeed the war against Great Britain was impending since the end of 1802 and broke out on May 17, 1803.

Where did most immigrants to America come from before 1802?

Northern and Western Europe.

What were the 7 legal codes set up by Napoleon?

The Civil Code promulgated between 1802-1804. The Commercial Code - 1807. The Criminal Code - 1808. The Penal Code - 1810. The Concordat with the Catholic Church - 1801 (published on 1802. The Financial Reform - 1800. The Educational Reform - 1802.

What were Napoleon Bonaparte's awards?

He created the National Order of the Legion of Honour in 1802 as the highest decoration in France.