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Q: How did natural selection affect elephants?
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How does selection affect natural selection?

Organisms are affected by Natural Selection because Inherited characteristics affected the likelihood of an organism's survival and reproduction.

Which does natural Which does natural selection affect?

natural selection is basiclly only the strong survive which means it effects the weak by killing them but bernifits the strong

How could natural selection affect the songs that birds sing?

Through ongoing natural selection a population adapts to its enviroment

How does natural selection affect survival?

Natural selection is the process which determines the shark's evolution. It is humankind that is threatening the sharks' survival.

Which does natural selection affect populations or individuals?

Populations evolve, but individuals are selected. Natural selection affects individual organisms.

Does natural selection affect individuals populations or both?


Does natural selection affect the survival of an individual or a species?


What other theories are there except for natural selection?

Evolution by natural selection is currently the only viable theory explaining the diversity of life. However, the mechanism of natural selection is not the only mechanism to affect evolution. There are phenomena such as genetic drift, biased gene conversion, intragenomic conflict, and so on, that aren't exactly the same as natural selection (although they are all intertwined and all affect one another), but do affect the direction of evolution.

How do humans affect artificial selection?

Humans directly affect artificial selection. They do this by selecting the specific traits that they prefer which they cannot don in a natural selection.

What are the three ways natural selection can affect the distribution of phenotype?


How does Evolutionary Trends affect Natural Selection?

Adaptation for stronger shells.

What happens to unnecessary traits during the process of natural selection?

How does natural selection affect undesirable traits?