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Q: How did new Spain's distinctive colonial population shape its economy and society?
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What were the chief features of colonial society and cultural?

Well, if a colonial society was formed then the population (expantion of people) would increase at a fast rate.

What are the advantage and disadvantage of colonial education in African society?

The biggest advantage of colonial education in the African society was that it provided a stable educational system that suited a portion of the population. The biggest disadvantage was that a large portion of the population could not participate.

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Full employment in a society contributes to a thriving economy. When there is under-employment in a society, the economy begins to lag because the population will not be spending much.

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The primary goal of missions in Spanish colonial society was to spread Christianity to indigenous populations and convert them to Catholicism. Missionaries also aimed to establish settlements, control land, and enforce Spanish rule over the native peoples. Additionally, missions served to integrate indigenous communities into the colonial economy and society.

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a large percentage of the population engaged in farming

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Typically a colonial society is agricultural.

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Colonial Missionary Society was created in 1836.

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Colonial Society of Massachusetts was created in 1892.

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Similarities: Poverty. Corruption. Gun politics. Limited infrastructure in the countryside. Strong colonial history/influence in society. Agriculture-based economy. Proud people. <3