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Q: How did new inventions westward expansion and federal laws contribute to making the US The World's Breadbasket?
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Inventions of the 1600s to 1800s that helped westward expansion?

The Iphone 4

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What are the inventions that helped westward expansion?

There is a lot but the main inventions were the steamboats, telegraph, railroads, spinning jenny and the cotton gin.

Which policy would be most likely be supported by the Democrats?

Westward expansion

What are the names of the inventions made during the westward expansion?

railroads barbed wire dry farming steel plow windmills sod house

How did the Chinese contribute to westward expansion?

They came over to californiia during the gold rush, along with the russians, japanese, etc.

How did Zebulon pike impacted westward expansion?

what does zebulon pike have to do with the westward expansion

When Did The WestWard Expansion Start?

The westward Expansion started after the gold rush in 1849.

What is a boomer from the westward expansion?

Westward boomers in oklahoma

Did the battle of little bighorn take place in westward expansion'?

Not in westward expansion, during, it was one of the expansion wars. It took place in Montana,

Was religious freedom a reason for westward expansion?

Religious freedom was not the primary reason for westward expansion, which was driven more by economic opportunities, land acquisition, and Manifest Destiny ideals. However, religious groups did contribute to the push westward, such as Mormons seeking religious refuge in Utah and missionaries spreading their faith to Native American tribes.

What policy would most likely be suppurated by the democrats?

Westward expansion (APEX)