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Q: How did northern ruler yang jian unify china into the SUI dynasty?
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He vanquished his rivals and seized to control in the north. By 581, the northern ruler had brought western regions under his control, and then Sui Dynasty was born. Although Sui Dynasty would last less than 40 years, it brought changes to China. In 588, Sui Dynasty forces destroyed the souhtern captial, burning its homes, temples, and palaces. Then they plowed the city's land, dividing it into farmland.

What was the importance of the Qin dynasty?

It was the first dynasty to unify China under one empire, and created MOST of the Great Wall ! (: ~ Hope this helps ! (:

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the leaders of the Han dynasty lost control of their society. in the next dynasty, they would try to unify the broken city states

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None really. They just ruled around the Yellow River (northern part of it anyway) and didn't really unify anthing.

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The Zhou Dynasty, the first Chinese dynasty to unite the Chinese under a single government, relaxed the political and military authority over individual states. Social and economic achievements helped to unite the Chinese people.

What is behind the great china wall?

If you mean the reason it was built, it was the emperor Shi Huangdi of the Qin dynasty wanted to unify China, so he built the great wall. Also to keep out invaders such as Mongolia and nomads.

What helped the Chinese people unify in the Shang Dynasty?

the soimething

Why was the Tang Dynasty was strong?

the tang leader was able to unify the

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How did the tang law code help unify china?

the tang law helped unify china because the law was proved efficient , and everyone would follow these laws.