

How did other galaxies attain black holes at the center?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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intense gravitational pull caused the galaxy to form around the black hole

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Q: How did other galaxies attain black holes at the center?
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Not all galaxies, but it is believed that the majority of galaxies have central black holes.

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It's not "galaxy stars", but galaxies, that have the black holes at their center.All, or most, galaxies have a giant black hole at their center.

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Earth is a planet. Center's of galaxies sometimes contain black holes. Planets can't be black holes.

How many galaxies have you observed that most likely have black holes?

Let's put it this way... All larger galaxies have huge black holes in their center. In addition to that, you can expect any galaxy to have a significant number of stellar black holes.

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Most galaxies, including our own, have black holes in their centers.

Are there galaxies with no supermassive black holes?

Yes. Some galaxies, particularly irregular galaxies, appear to lack supermassive black holes.

A distant galaxy with a blck hole at its center?

Most galaxies - the larger ones at least - have a supermassive black holes in their center.

What is in the center of the galaxy?

All galaxies have supermassive black holes in their centers.

Why cant you see black holes from earth?

Black holes emit so very little radiation they are hard to see. Many black holes lie at the center of galaxies and there they are hidden by stars and dust.

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What is the super-massive sturcture that exists in the middle of nearly all galaxies?

It is hypothesized that almost all galaxies have super massive black holes in their center.