

How did pandas get so much fur?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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7y ago

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It can get pretty cold in their natural habitat, so they need some decent insulation to survive.

Furrier individuals were more likely to survive than individuals with less fur. And natural selection did the rest.

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Are pandas born with hair?

YES. they are so soft and cuddly (^_^)

How is red pandas fur like?

Red pandas fur is much like the red fox but has white rings on its tail and a white mask on its face.

Why do people shoot pandas?

Most shoot pandas for their fur. A pandas fur is very valuable.

Are newborn pandas born with no fur?

no pandas are born wit fur :D

How did red pandas get there name?

Scientists have been wondering what to call them, so they just called them red pandas. To me, there is a legend. There was a panda who got in a war. there was much blood. it got on the panda and for there, there are called red pandas.

Why is pandas fur color like that?

so that it will not be so easy to be spotted by some of its predators.

What kind of skin do pandas have?

Pandas have white fur

Why are pandas so furry?

The panda is a type of bear that origionated in more northern climates, as they migrated south the genetic code for fur did not disappear entirely but simply made the pandas fur change color

How does pandas adapt to its habitat?

its fur camaflouges in forest and montains It also horny to much extremelycookie

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Why are giant pandas killed?

for their fur.