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Q: How did paranoia and fear of communism spread in the US?
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Why did the US get involved in the wars in Vietnam and Korea?

To stop communist aggression.

What the the us fear would happen if they did not get involved with Vietnam?

The US feared that if Communism took over Vietnam it would spread and slowly take over the world. damien streeter

What was The reason the US fought the Korean War?

to stop the spread of communism

Why were Americans worried about the security of the US?

because they were shocked that the communists hadtaken-overchina and fueling a fear that communism would spread around the world.

How did the US res pond to the spread of communism?

By attempting to spread capitalism

Did the US support French efforts to maintain control of French Indochina in the late 1940s?

Yes we did support the french efforts in that area during that time due to our fear of communism and our thought of the Domino Effect with the spread of communism.

Why did president Johnson not want to allow Vietnam to go communist?

fear if 'domino theory' (spread of communism around the world, especialy south-east asia and the us)

What two spy cases increased fear of communism in the US?

The Julius and Ethel Rosenberg cases were an enormous factor in increasing fear of Communism in the US , as well as the Alger Hiss case .

What was the us trying to stop the spread of when they enter the war im Vietnam?

The US had hoped to stop the spread of Communism .

What was the purpose of the US policy of containment was to stop the spread of what?

. . . Communism .

What was the point of the us fighting in Vietnam?

To prevent the spread of communism.

Why did the Vietnam and the US go to war?

To stop the spread of communism.