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The experience gained working on reform programs made women qualified to create the women's rights movement.

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Q: How did participation in other reform movements help strengthen the women's movement?
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What reform movement was dorothea dix most closely associated with?

Movements to reform prisons and mental hospitals.

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What reform movement was Sojourner Truth associated with?

Sojourner Truth was associated with the abolitionist movement, advocating for the abolition of slavery and equal rights for all individuals, regardless of race or gender. She was also involved in the women's rights movement, working towards gender equality and suffrage.

What motivated the movements of reform?

There were many reform movements that have happened in America. Some of these include suffrage, equality, socialism, populism, and abolition.

How did reform movements create instability in the political system?

Strikes that were as a result of the reform movement created instability in the political system.

What are some example of reform movements?

religious reform is the way a church decides to structure authority in order to advance the churchs common good

Reform movement from second great awakening?

There are several reform movements associated with the Second Great Awakening including the women's rights movement, and abolitionism. The Second Great Awakening refers to a Protestant revival movement.

How did the Second Great Awakening lead to reform movements?

The Second Great Awakening emphasized personal salvation and spiritual renewal, which motivated individuals to address social issues, such as slavery and alcohol consumption. This spiritual fervor cultivated a desire for social reform and inspired movements such as abolitionism, women's rights, and temperance. The religious revival of the Second Great Awakening sparked a wave of humanitarian efforts and social activism across the United States.

What reform movements were Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott involved in before they became involved in the women's rights movement?

the abolitionist movement

What reformation movement?

a kind of social movement that aims to make gradual change, or change in certain aspects of society, rather than rapid or fundamental changes. A reform movement is distinguished from more radical social movements such as revolutionary movements.

What was Ralph Waldo Emerson's relationship to the reform movements of the 1880s?

He was one of the leading leaders and writers of his time for the movement.

What were not a target of Progressive reform movements?

Territorial expansion was not a target of progressive reform movements.