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Q: How did pearl harbor effect the U.S and Texas?
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What was the effect of the bombing of the Pearl Harbor?

The bombing of pearl harbor got the US into ww2

What effect did Japan have on pearl harbor?

Japan was now at war with the US.

How did japan effect the us in World War 2?

It bombed Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

What did the US have to do with Pearl Harbor?

Pearl Harbor was the main base for the US Pacific Fleet.

What did Pearl Harbor do for the US?

Pearl Harbor provides shelter from storms at sea for the US.

How does Pearl Harbor effect us today?

It effects us because many American people died during this.

What effect did the bombing of Pearl Harbor have on the people involved?

it took us into world war 2

Did pearl harbor attack the us yes or no?

no pearl harbor was part of America and pearl harbor was bombed by japan

What was the effect of the attack on pearl harbor have on the role of the US?

The effect of the attack on Pearl Parbor was that it led the United States from it's neutrality to the allied powers. It allowed us to enter the war and take out japan.

Destoryed Pearl Harbor?

The Japanese bombed us, the Americans at Pearl Harbor.

Why did pearl harbor bomb us?

The Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor, not the U.S.A.

What was significant of Pearl Harbor?

Because of Pearl Harbor the US entered WW2