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There were obviously great strides made in the era, and as a result, the ease that these advances brought into peoples' lives was well received, and encouraged. This is likely the first thought we would have concerning peoples' opinions on the industrial revolution, but there was also a significant number of people who criticized the encroachment of heavy industry onto both nature, and traditional society. The famous author Thomas Hardy wrote his novel "Tess of the d'Urbervilles" in the 1890's, during the time of England's Industrial Revolution. In one of the passages, a critique like the ones mentioned is made, in which he caustically attacks the rise of machinery.

"The narrow lane of stubble encompassing the field grew wider with each circuit, and the standing corn was reduced to smaller area as the morning wore on. Rabbits, hares, snakes, rats, mice, retreated inwards as into a fastness, unaware of the ephemeral nature of their refuge, and of the doom that awaited them later in the day when, their covert shrinking to a more and more horrible narrowness, they were huddled together, friends and foes, till the last few yards of upright wheat fell also under the teeth of the unerring reaper, and they were every one put to death by the sticks and stones of the harvesters."

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