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They were issued coupons and personally checked them in at stores.

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11y ago

The where scared so the ran and they hid in in holes and anywhere they could get to.The poor had nothing so they really did not care what if they meet there end.

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at the black market

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Q: How did people in London collect their rations in World War 2?
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Why did the shopkeeper have to stamp your ration book in World War 2?

the shopkeepers in world war 2 had to stamp the ration books to make sure that the person collecting the rations could not collect more.

How did people earn rations during World War 2?

Government issued ration books

Why did people have to register with their shops in World War 2?

To go with the rations , to stop them taking advantage. It stopped them going into one shop ,taking their rations and going into another to get the same again.

Was icing sugar available in World War 2?

Yes, if you saved up your rations or everyone grouped up their rations

What did solvers eat in world war 2?

Soldiers ate C rations or K rations which were canned meals in the field-

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What does it mean when a ration said spare during World War 2?

Rations where nicknames for the portable meals the soldiers carried. There were C Rations and K Rations. So when an officer says "Preserve your rations" he means use them sparingly so you don't run out of food.

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Where do people in London come from?

All over the world.

Where do people come from to visit the London eye?

People come from all around the World to see and ride the London Eye.

Did they eat dogfood in World War 2?

No, Generally when people say that they are reffering to the bad taste and quality of some countries rations, or food for their soldiers.

How Soldiers got food in World War 1?

They were given rations.