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People appreciated music more. Now people get in the car hear Super Bass and sing along instead of going " my oh my what a pleasant song this is!". Lol hope this helped!

(alternate answer) That really depends upon how far in the past you want to look. Today, MP3 is the most popular music medium. Going back in time we encounter the CD, the audio cassette, the vinyl record album, and before that, there was no recorded music, only live music. Live music was quite sophisticated and complex for centuries, but if you go back far enough, it gets simpler and less sophisticated. Music, like everything else, develops over time.

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hand made instruments . Fiddles Jews harps,banjos,rub boards etc.

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Radio, LP's and cassettes, they listened to rock and Roll, Disco and Country Music.

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Q: How did people listen to music in the 70's?
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