

How did people make earth?

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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People added stuff to earth. Some people think gravity pulled land into a ball, and some people believe God made earth.

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Some people believe God made earth. Others believe gravity pulled earth's land together into a sphere.

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That's a good question. But I believe that people are on the earth. I don't think the earth would be on people because if it were, the earth would have crushed us since it weighs over 15 million tons. Here is an example of what I'm talking about. Think of it this way: It would make more sense if a feather was on a tree instead of the tree on a feather. I'm comparing the people to a feather and the tree to the earth. Get it now?

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To build houses and all that cos its not to hot or cold its just right to be on earth