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The slave trade, though most popular in the Indies, did prosper in the deep South of America due to the shortage of workers. Thanks to Cyrus McCormick (inventer of the mechanical reaper) and Eli Whitney (inventer of the cotton gin), fewer slaves were needed.

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Q: How did plantation owners deal with the labor shortage in Virginia?
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Could a plantation owner bill the government for the loss of his plantation and his slaves that escaped during the Civil War?

Plantation owners who suffered damage to their plantations during the Civil War were not owed compensation, because the rebellion, having failed, was deemed to be illegal (had the Confederacy won, it might have chosen to compensate plantation owners). Damage sustained in the course of an illegal rebellion is the fault of those who illegally rebelled. Similarly, former slave owners were not compensated for the loss of their slaves, because the United States no longer recognized that slavery was legal or acceptable; slavery was ended as a morally objectionable practice. It was the slaves who deserved compensation for their unpaid labor, and not the slave owners for the crime of enslaving human beings.

Was George Washington a lawyer or farmer?

George Washington was a farmer or more properly, a planter. He owned a plantation which he farmed with slave labor. He has other enterprises on his plantation as well, such as making whiskey. He was not a lawyer.

Spanish response to Native Americans?

The Spanish response to native Americans was generally to either leave them alone or make them slaves. Many tribes were enslaved for plantation and other hard labor.

How did the invention of the cotton gin affect slave labor in the US?

Quite simple, Cotton Production was the main economy at the South (1800 - 1860). The rich white people depended on the cotton to keep their business alive, and depended on the slaves to plant and harvest cotton crops. The increase in cotton production caused slave owners to hire more slaves. Credit of above is to ShiningGravity.

What was Bacon's Rebellion?

In 1675 the lower class citizens of Virginia wanted to expand and gain cheaper land. The Yeoman farmers and non land holders wanted the government to expel or kill the Indians that were in the way of their expansion. In order to protect the upper class wealthy plantation owners, and have a ready supply of people for labor their plantation, both plantation owners and Governor Berkeley did not want this for the lower class. Against Governor Berkeley's orders, a militia attacked the Native Americans. In rebellion to these attacks the Native Americans started to raid the outer farms and plantations killing lower class colonists. Nathaniel Bacon, leader of the militia, asked Governor Berkeley for military protection from these raids. When Governor Berkeley denied them military protection against the attacks, again against the Berkeley's orders Bacon's militia attacked the native Americans. Berkley then had Bacon declared a traitor and was arrested. After Bacon's release, Bacon still angry at Berkeley for how he and the lower class people had been treated, gathered a militia together and marched against Berkeley driving him into hiding, overthrowing the government, and burning Jamestown to the ground. Soon after, Bacon died suddenly of dysentery and Berkeley regained control.

Related questions

Where did the plantation owners come from?

The plantation owners had very cheap labor

What was the advantages of indentured servitude for plantation owners?

One advantage of having indentured servants for plantation owners was that they could increase their profit margin. The plantation owners had very cheap labor.

Where did southern plantation owners get their labor force from?

Gago and tanga

Was the advantage of indentured servitude for plantation owner's?

One advantage of having indentured servants for plantation owners was that they could increase their profit margin. The plantation owners had very cheap labor.

Why did southern plantation owners switch to slave labor?

Because they felt like it.

How did technological advances in machinery like the Cotton Gin affect the demand for slave labor?

the plantation owners wanted more labor, thus bringing in more slaves because the plantation owners wanted free labor, so they can earn more money

Why did slave owners support racism?

Plantation owners supported and propagated racism to justify owning people as slaves.

Why did slavery flourish between 1820 and 1860?

cotton plantation owners needed a large labor force

Why were slaves transported for slave labor from Africa to the Americas?

American plantation owners wanted cheap labour

Why did plantation owners have so much free time?

Plantation owners had free time because they had slaves performing labor on the plantations, allowing them to delegate tasks and focus on other aspects of managing the estate. Additionally, plantation owners often had access to wealth and resources that enabled them to pursue leisure activities and social engagements.

Who benefited from slave labor?

The southern plantation owners and anyone else who owned a slave during those times in which it was legal.

What was a consequence of the provision in the Thirteenth Amendment that permitted involuntary servitude as punishment for a crime?

Convict labor could be rented by plantation and business owners.