

How did pop music influence later music?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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i didnt evrything came from blues

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Q: How did pop music influence later music?
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Now, pop singers get murdered.

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The singer, songwriter and actresss, Skye Sweetnam, is Canadian born. Her original genre of music was pop-punk. Pop-punk music is a fusion of punk rock with pop rock music. Ms. Sweetnam later changed her genre to simply pop.

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sorry , but it's a hard question i can explain it to you later i mean really later not tomorrow or after but i may answer your question later

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No, she is a pop singer. She was born in Cuba and there is often a Latino influence to her music.

How does pop music influence American culture?

Just like African people like those drums and noises in there music. Well we like pop music, stuff that make you get up and dance. So that's what we like, so its our culture.

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Marta Sanchez is a Spanish singer. She is often referred to as the Queen of Spanish pop because of her influence of Spanish pop music. Aged 43, she is still actively performing her music.

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it affects it by giving differnt music to the public.

What is pop music about?

pop music is about funk mix pop is not that funky,and not that rock

Which century did pop music come in?

"pop" music just means POPULAR MUSIC... so at a time, Elvis Presley was pop music... just as britney spears is pop music now.