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President Lincoln had many protesters arrested. Good Luck! I hope this helped :)

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Q: How did president Lincoln deal with war protests?
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How did Lincoln deal with war protest?

President Lincoln had many protesters arrested. Good Luck! I hope this helped :)

Who was the president of the us in civil war?

Abraham Lincoln was president during the US Civil War.

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President Nixon appealed to a silent majority in the face of anti-war protests across America.

What war was president Lincoln a president?

The Civil War

Who is the president during the civil war?

Abraham Lincoln was the president during the civil war.

Was Lincoln president after a war or during a war?

yes- Lincoln was the President during the entire American Civil War.

What happend after Abraham Lincoln was elected president?

Soon after the votes were counted and Lincoln was announced as the winner, Southern states began to secede from the union. President Buchanan did nothing but made verbal protests. By the time Lincoln took office, seven states had seceded and formed their Confederacy. War broke out a month later.

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Both presidents suspended the right of habeas corpus lol this is my homework

What was President Lincoln's Role as Head of State?

President Lincoln's role as head of state was to carry out the executive functions outlined in the constitution for the Executive. Also, he had to deal with the Civil War, and make efforts to prevent the secession of the South.

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Who was Lincoln's vice president after civil war?

Andrew Johnson was Lincoln's Vice-President.

What issues did president Andrew Johnson deal with during his presidency?

The death of Abraham Lincoln, the end of the Civil War, Reconstruction and personally, alcoholism.