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Q: How did queen Hatshepsut and Ramses II expand Egypt simalarly?
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Who lived and reigned over Egypt first Queen Hatshepsut or Ramses?

Hatshepsut was part of the 18th Dynasty, and Ramses I ruled in the 19th. Hatshepsut ruled and lived before Ramses.

How did Hatshepsut and Ramses 2 differ in expanding Egypt power?

Hatshepsut wanted to make Egypt richer.

How did Ramses expand Egypt.?

He expanded by uniting upper and lower Egypt

Who was the emperors of Egypt?

Some I know are : Akhenaton,Hatshepsut Tutankhamen,Ramses ,Thutmose|,Mentuhotep

Famous Kings of egypt?

Famous pharaohs of Egypt include King Tut, Khafra, Cleopatra, and Ramses. Other pharaohs include Khufu, Hatshepsut, Thutmose, Djoser and Akhenaten.

Who was the female pharaoh that helped Egypt grow economically a Hatshepsut b Ramses c Tutankhamun?

Since (B) and (C) were males, I'm guessing it has to be (A).

Who is Ramses in Egypt?

He was the king of Egypt.

Who was the most richest pharaoh of Ancient Egypt?

Probably Hatshepsut, or Tuthmosis iii, or Ramses ii.

What made Hatshepsut rule different from that of her nephew thutmose?

Hatshepsut was the first woman to be a ruler of Egypt

Did Ramses conquer Egypt?

Ramses ruled Egypt. It's like saying, "Did Obama purchase California?"

What kingdom was Ramses 2 a pharaoh?

Ramses II was a pharaoh in Egypt. he ruled in the 19th Dynasty.

Was Hatshepsut the king of Babylon?

No, Hatshepsut was a woman and she ruled Egypt.