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Rationing was difficult for the Britains because supplies were so low thanks to the Germans sinking ships with the supplies and food they so badly needed. Women really struggled to keep their families well fed and it was hard to get clothing and other needs. Lines were long and annoying. A black market developed and people would get things that way. They also grew victory gardens to augment the lack of food for the homefront.

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There wasn't enough food to go around so that is why rationing was introduced.

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Q: How did rationing affect the people of Britain in ww2?
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When was rationing introduced in ww2?

1939 everyone in Britain was issued with a rationing book (in World War 2 )

Why did rationing happen in WW2?

In Britain, rationing actually got tougher after WWII.

What did Britain have rationing ww2?

The war meant that we couldn't safely import many products. With the limited amounts of produce available, rationing was the only way to make sure people didn't 'stockpile' items.

When did rationing start in Britain during World War 2?

8 January 1940 Britain started to ration butter, sugar, eggs and bacon. Meat rationing started on 11 March that year and clothing was added to the list of things that were rationed later.

How long did rationing last in England?

WW2 rationing ended in 1954, with the end of the meat ration.

Who used rationing in World War 2?

rationing in ww2 was very bad because the government lost a lot of money. It was also because the ships that were supplying Britain with food kept being hit by enemy torpedoes sent by the Germans. They though that if they cut off our food supply then we would be forced to surrender the war, but that did not happen. Instead the government introduced rationing so that we would not run out of food.

What problem at home during ww2 did the OPA address?

Profiteering and rationing

What is wartime rationing and why was it practiced in the US during World War 2?

Rationing was used to make needed supplies available for the troops during WW2

How did the cold war affect Pakistan?

Pakistan did not exist as a country before WW2 as it was part of India and ruled by Britain. After WW2 Britain started to lose empire and India gained independence and Pakistan was formed. So it can be argued WW2 was of great benefit to Pakistan

When did rationing start in WW2?

Food rationing began in 1939 then ended in 1954

What food did people eat in WW2 street parties?

I dont entirely know what they ate, but i do know that they had to put together all of their rationing coupons to afford all the food.

How did the nonaggression pact affect Germany?

it gave them western Poland and made Britain look like a joke. Also it started WW2