

How did rise of cities change the human society?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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11y ago

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they increased rural areas

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Monserrate Heidenrei...

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9y ago

they increased rural areas

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Q: How did rise of cities change the human society?
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How did rise of cities change human society?

they increased rural areas

How did the rise of cities change society?

they increased rural areas

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they provided opportunities to rise in society

How did th rise of cities change human society?

The rise of cities led to increased population density, specialization of labor, and the development of social stratification. It also facilitated cultural exchange, technological advancements, and the formation of organized governments. Furthermore, cities became hubs for economic activities, trade, and innovation, shaping the way societies functioned and interacted with one another.

How advances in transportation and communication affect northern men cities?

they provided opportunities to rise in society

How did advances in transportation and communication affect northern men in cities?

they provided opportunities to rise in society

How did advances in transportation and communication affect more than men in cities?

They provided opportunities to rise in society.

Why is industrialism a continuing concern of society?

Industrialism is a continuing concern of society because it has led to the growth of cities and the rise of the working class. Industrialism has also resulted in the pollution of the environment and the exploitation of workers.

How did the rise of cities challenge the economic and social orders of the time?

The rise in the cities challenged the economic and social class by Raising the demand of goods

When did cities in china rise?

about 1500BC to 1000BC