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Mating a similar way to how lions and tigers do.

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Q: How did saber tooth tigers care for their young?
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How do saber-toothed tigers take care of there young?

They take them to the babysitter and go to work.

Who takes care of the tigers young?

there mothers

How do tigers tak care of thre young?

The tigers take care of there young by the mother tiger nurses her young for about three to six months. After that the cubs are confined to the den and left unattented.

Do Siberian tigers live in a group?

The female will live with her young until they are old enough to care for themselves.

Do Siberian tigers raise or care for their young?

yes but only until they are 2 years old

Why do male tigers leave the female to take care of cubs herself?

male tigers leave the female to take care of cubs because the male cubs are hunting for food so that it can feed its family

How do you tigers look after their young?

Just like any cat they care for their kittens, but kitten stays with mom for 2 years.

How long are the babies of a saber-toothed raised by its mother?

The answer to that is lost in pre-history. We might guess that they were similar to current big cats who care for their young for something between 6 months and 2 years.

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they dont care for young

How do white tigers care for their young?

Mother tigers nurses their young until there are about 3 to 6 months of age. The father does not help in the upbringing of the young. Meat is introduced to the cubs at two months. At six months cubs are weaned from the mother. Then there are taught how to hunt. First by watching the mother kill the aninaml. Then the mother will cripple the prey and let the cubs finish it off. Then they will practice their skills on their own.

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