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Q: How did southerners and northerners react to the proclamation?
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How did northerners react to the proclamation?

Many Northerners were for the proclamation that ended slavery. However, there were Northerners who felt like Southerners and opposed it.

How did northerners and southerners react to the dred Scott?

Southerners were delighted with the Dred Scott decision, but northerners were outraged.

How did the northerners and southerners react to the Dred Scott decision?

Southerners were delighted with the Dred Scott decision, but northerners were outraged.

How did southerners react to the emancipation proclamation?

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How did the southerners and northerners react to John Brown's raid?

Southerners were outraged at John Brown's attempt to steal weapons and ultimately free slaves, while northerners called him a hero and martyr. They believed that he died to for the cause of the abolition of slavery.

How did northerners and southerners differ in their opposition to abolition?

The southerners wanted slavery to end but northerners didn't want that

How did southerners act to the emancipation proclamation?

The southerners reacted to the Emancipation Proclamation by starting attacks and being full of rage, because if their slaves escaped the Northerners could set them free because if the Union set them free then the slaves had to join the army or navy on the Union (North) side.

How did Northerners and Southerners secession of the southern states?

The Northerners believed that it was unconstitutional and the Southerners believed that it was better for there way of life

How did the northerners and the southerners view the secession of the southern states?

The Northerners believed that it was unconstitutional and the Southerners believed that it was better for there way of life

How did the northerners and Southerners view the secession of the southern states?

The Northerners believed that it was unconstitutional and the Southerners believed that it was better for there way of life

How did the northerners and southerners view the secession of the southerns states?

The Northerners believed that it was unconstitutional and the Southerners believed that it was better for there way of life