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Q: How did spanish settlers in the southwest adapt Native American building styles?
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Stucko and adobe

How did the cattle industry begin?

The discovery of Longhorn cattle, a breed of cattle descended from cows and bulls left by early Spanish settlers in the American Southwest, triggered the growth of the cattle industry.

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What event brought the American southwest under the control of the US?

The defeat of Mexico in the Mexican War.Before then the southwest was controlled by MexicoThe people who had lived there for centuries had Spanish ancestors and spoke Spanish

The spanish first moved into the north American southwest in an effort to?

Obtain precious metal.

What was the purpose for building fort towson?

"Originally in 1824 it was built to protect the Choctaw Indians and settlers from attacks from the Spanish."

What languages do people speak in the American southwest?

English (American dialect), Spanish, Navajo, Hopi, Apache, perhaps a few others.

What kind of labor that the slavery false is practice during the spanish time?

The question is confusing, but the Spanish did use slaves in the American southwest mines.

Name the four things that American settlers agreed to do in exchange for receiving land in Texas?

The American settlers agreed to Learn Spanish, Become Mexican Citizens, convert to Catholicism and obey MExican law

US settlers first moved to Texas because?

The US settlers were seeking undeveloped land in the southwest, and the Mexican governments originally encouraged settlers as a means to increase the area's population. Mexico eventually realized that the new settlers did not want to be subject to Mexican authority. the Spanish and Mexican governments invited U.S. settlers to move there to increase the province's population.

Why are traditional Mexican food Catholic religious traditions and Mexican festivals popular in the American Southwest?

The American southwest was first explored and settled by the Spanish who brought their Catholic religious customs to the area. The food is probably more of a blend between Spanish and Indian tastes. Indians showed the Spanish what was edible in the New World and everyone put it all together and so the taco was born! Also, The area was once a part of Mexico.