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Q: How did speciation occur in the anoles of the Caribbean?
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Related questions

What is necessary for speciation to occur?

Isolation Is necessary for speciation to occur.

Where do green anoles live?

They live in the United States and the Caribbean Islands.

Where in the world can you find green anoles?

They native to the southeastern U.S. and the Caribbean.

What situations will speciation occur?

Speciation is the process of a new species developing. Speciation can occur from a geographical split in the species, Species can split in the same area if they start depending on different foods.

How long it takes for speciation to occur?

several generations

What type of speciation occur when a plant population becomes reproductively isolated while living with its parent population?

Sympatric Speciation

Speciation without geographic isolation is called what?

Sympatric Speciation develops within the range of the parent population. This type of speciation does not include geographical isolation, and can occur rapidly if a genetic change results in a barrier between the mutants and the parent population.

What effect would a very short generation time such as bacteria have on speciation?

Well they would evolve faster, so speciation would occur faster too

What best describes how long it usually takes for speciation to occur?

species originate through allopatric speciation

Which of the following shows an example of organisms being classified based on their physiological abilities?

Speciation occurs during the evolutionary development, or phylogeny, of a species. In which of the following situations will speciation occur

Where in the Caribbean does the hurricane move across?

Hurricanes can occur just about anywhere in the Caribbean.

What is phyletic speciation?
