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The Paleolithic people had a diet that consisted mostly of nuts, fruits and vegetables. They would have consumed these raw. They also hunted for meat, and when they could get it they would have cooked their meat over fire.

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9y ago
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16y ago

Heated rocks (grilled upon), sticks (spit), tightly woven baskets (filled with broth hot rocks were dropped into it to heat the broth up), some items may have just been placed on hot coals then removed later with a stick (baked potatos, yams) how about a pouch of leather hung above the fire or coals and allowing the contents to cook in their own juices (meat, fruits and vegetables). Remember they were hunters and gatherers.

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15y ago

Over a hearth. They would have used pots, or baked meat and tubers (like potatos) with hot stones. This video gives you a good idea of ways prehistoric people may have cooked:

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9y ago

Stone Age people cooked by placing food on sticks and holding it over the fire. They also placed rocks into the fire as a cooking surface.

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11y ago

they cooked over a fire, typically with a pot. kings and lords even had "tasters" to taste the food to see if it was poisned

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11y ago

with there penis

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Q: How did stone age people cook?
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How did the New Stone Age people get food?

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How did the stone age people use fire?

Stone Age people used fire for cooking food, keeping warm, providing light, and protecting themselves from predators. It also helped with tool-making by hardening materials like wood and clay. Fire was essential for their survival and played a crucial role in shaping early human societies.

How did ston age people cook?

The stone age people cooked over open flame. In the later part of the age, they cooked on stoneware.

Did stone age people eat animals raw?

No, because they would have had a fire to cook it.

Why did stone age use fire?

to cook food For warmth

How old did the stone age people get?

The average life expectancy during the Stone Age was around 30 years old. However, reaching old age (60 years or older) was rare due to high rates of infant mortality and the challenges of survival in a harsh environment.

What happeneed when stone age people died?

When Stone Age people died, their bodies were often buried with items they would need in the afterlife, such as tools or personal belongings. Some groups practiced burial rituals, while others may have practiced cremation. The exact customs varied depending on the cultural beliefs and practices of each group.

What came after the stone age people?

After the Stone Age, people entered the Bronze Age, characterized by the use of bronze tools and weapons. This was followed by the Iron Age, during which iron tools and weapons became predominant. Each age marked advancements in technology, social organization, and cultural development.

Did the land bridges allow middle stone age people or stone age people to move around the world?

Yes, land bridges such as the Bering Land Bridge allowed prehistoric humans from the Stone Age and Middle Stone Age to migrate to different parts of the world. These land connections facilitated the movement of populations between continents during periods of lower sea levels.

Did stone age people have tools?

Yes, they were made out of stone, that was why it was called the stone age.