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The Stones Changed Over time by Getting Stronger . And They Became Valuable . People Started using Them For Weapons

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Q: How did stone tools change over time?
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What tools were used in the fifteen hundreds?

Stone tools because that was the time that people used stone tools aka stone age

How can stone mountain change over time?

Because avalanche.

Was the stone age the time when they used stones as tools?

Yes the stone age was the time when they used stones as tools

How have tools changed over time?

Stone, wood, and antler gave way to metal. Hand tools gave way to electric tools. Pneumatic powered tools replaced hammers. Battery powered tools are replacing corded tools.

Why were stone tools created?

At that time there was no metal

How have construction tools changed over time?

Stone, wood, and antler gave way to metal. Hand tools gave way to electric tools. Pneumatic powered tools replaced hammers. Battery powered tools are replacing corded tools.

Why do you call it the stone age?

People call it the Stone Age because of the about of stone tools at the time.

Was there ever a stone age?

NO, the stone age is when people used stone tools

Why the stone age is called the stone age?

because the people of that time used stone tools, but during the new stone age they used metal tools, so im confused 2 :)

When is the period of time that the humans started using tools of stone?

The period of time when humans started using tools made of stone is known as the Stone Age. It began around 3 million years ago with the earliest known stone tools and lasted until around 3000 BCE, when metal tools started to be used. The Stone Age is further divided into the Paleolithic, Mesolithic, and Neolithic periods.

Why was the stone age called stone age?

This period of time was when humans primarily relied on stone and pebble tools.

Why this time in history called stone age?

Because at that time most tools and weapons were made in part or in whole of stone